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RP2004: Wdigest credential access


ID RP2004
Brief Description Response playbook for detected Wdigest credential access.
Author @Cyberok
Creation Date 2023/02/03
Modification Date 2023/02/03
  • Status: Stable
  • Severity:High
  • Tlp: Amber
  • Pap: White
  • Windows


A configuration related to WDigest could hinder the security of your environment, specifically on the endpoint, by allowing an attacker to steal cleartext credentials from memory. There are measures you can take to remediate this and ensure that your endpoints and credentials are more secure. Microsoft’s security update (KB2871997) addresses the issue on older versions of Windows, whereas newer versions should be secured by default.

Checking the registry on all of your Windows endpoints for the WDigest setting should be a priority, as the loss of credentials could lead to the loss of sensitive information. One way to do this is through command-line queries against all your hosts, but a quicker way is to automate this type of auditing against your endpoint and have the data presented to you in an easy-to-consume report.



For better triage and response actions result you need to identify and analyze artifacts from use case.

  1. Look for windows registry modification commands. Noticed two variations of this command being used, both of which eventually sets the registry value of UseLogonCredential to 1. In systems where the WDigest registry is missing or removed.
    "Set-ItemProperty -Force
    Path 'HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\WDigest'
    Name "UseLogonCredential"
    Value '1'"
    In systems where the WDigest registry is set to not store clear passwords.
    "reg" add
    HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\WDigest /v
    UseLogonCredential /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
  2. Search for any credential access tool's artifacts. For example, the actor can use rundll32.exe and comsvcs.dll with its built-in MiniDump function to dump passwords from LSASS into a dump file. The command to accomplish this often specifies the output to save the passwords from LSASS. The file name is also reversed to evade detections (ssasl.dmp):
    powershell.exe" /c Remove-Item -Path C:\windows\temp\ssasl.pmd
    -Force -ErrorAction Ignore;
    rundll32.exe C:\windows\System32\comsvcs.dll,
    MiniDump (Get-Process lsass).id C:\windows\temp\ssasl.pmd full | out-host;
    Compress-Archive C:\windows\temp\ssasl.pmd C:\windows\temp\[name].zip
  3. Take any containment action depending on the situation and level of asset's criticality. For example, if credential access attempt was successful, it may be reasonable to lock compromised users:

    • Lock user account
  4. Take any eradication action depending on the situation and level of asset's criticality. For example, credential can be used as arguments to malicous commands:

    • Revoke authentication credentials
    • Remove registry key (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetControlSecurityProvidersWDigestUseLogonCredential)
  5. Take recovery action depending on previous containment and eradication actions:

    • Unblock blocked user (if needed)
    • Reset user password
    • Recover modification
  6. Report incident, remove security breaches, conduct lessons learned exercises.

NOTE: if WDigest authentication is not being used, customers can apply the FixIt found on the KB article to disable WDigest. Doing this will eliminate all cleartext credentials from LSASS memory. The easiest way to do this would be through group policy, but a quick script also works:

reg add
HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSecurityProvidersWDigest /v
UseLogonCredential /t REG_DWORD /d 0
Once you’ve pushed the security update, and the registry key update to all of your servers, you can ensure you’ve done it successfully by querying the registry to see that it exists and is not set to 1.
reg query
HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSecurityProvidersWDigest /v

Response discovery mapping

Windows Registry List registry key accessed
List registry key modified
Look for reg add/(or delete and create) commands
Credential dump attempt artifact
Examine under what user's context modification has been done
Process Identify means of attack
Search for possible tools artifacts to define fact of credential dump
Identified credential dump tool
Login Session Identify affected systems and users
Look for user's logon on compomised host
Compomised password
Encrypted Credential Revoke authentication credentials
If credential access is confirmed
Restrict credential usage
Password Reset password
Depends on needed context.
New password

P.S. Artifacts from "Attack Prerequisites" section ( in this case : Host ) should be used in Operational Preparations and as incoming arguments for other response actions, for example

response action: list registry keys accessed
list_registry_keys_accessed (enabled=True, host)

Response mindmap diagram


Playbook Actions


Operational Preparations


List Registry Keys Accessed
List Registry Keys Modified
Identify affected systems and users
Identify means of attack


Lock User Account
Powershell disable AD user


Remove Registry Key
Remove Windows registry key with Powershell
Reset Authentication Credentials
Revoke Authentication Credentials


Unlock Locked User Account
Powershell enable AD user
[Unimplemented] Recover modification

Lessons Learned

Develop Incident Report
Conduct Lessons Learned Exercise
