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ID Title Brief Description
UC0052 Hijacking Default File Extension The values of the keys listed are commands that are executed when the handler opens the file extension. Adversaries can modify these values to continually execute arbitrary commands.
UC0002 Domain user enumeration attack using the Kerberos protocol without a domain account Attackers can carry out a Domain User Enumaration attack using Kerberos authentication protocol. Their purpose may be to obtain valid usernames for futher attacks (such as phishing or password spraying)
UC0042 WinRM or Powershell Remoting for Lateral Movement WinRM or PowerShell remoting for lateral movement.
UC0032 Forcing WDigest to store credentials in plaintext Force WDigest to store secrets in plaintext.
UC0012 Forcing load a malicious DLL via COM Abuse Forcing load a malicious DLL via COM Abuse
UC0005 Theft of user certificate and private key via CryptoAPI Attackers can theft certificate and private key via CryptoAPI to authenticate on behalf of the certificate owner using Public Key Cryptography for Initial Authentication (PKINIT) Kerberos extension.
UC0021 Privilege escalation via named pipe impersonation Privilege escalation attempt via named pipe impersonation, an adversary may abuse this technique by utilizing a framework such Metasploit’s meterpreter getsystem command.
UC0051 Windows Logon Helper Persistense Boot or Logon Autostart Execution - Winlogon Helper DLL.
UC0003 Adding shadow credential Attackers can add key credential (msDS-KeyCredentialLink attribute) to target object for persistence or lateral movement in domain
UC0041 Lateral movement via Service Configuration Manager Execute commands on a remote host by abusing service configuration manager by changing the service binpath.
UC0022 Dumping and Cracking mscash Credential dumping of cached domain credentials used to allow authentication to occur in the event a domain controller is unavailable.
UC0006 Successfull OWA Password Spraying attack Attackers can carry out a Password Spryaing attack through the publicly accessible interface of the Outlook Web Application. Their purpose may be to obtain a valid domain account for reading mail or authentication in other remote access systems.
UC0004 Pass the certificate Attackers can use valid certificate and associated private key for get Ticket Granting Tickets (TGT)