UC0003: Adding shadow credential
ID | UC0003 |
Brief Description | Attackers can add key credential (msDS-KeyCredentialLink attribute) to target object for persistence or lateral movement in domain |
Creation Date | 2023/05/04 |
Modification Date | 2023/05/04 |
ATT&CK Tactics | |
Linked Response Playbooks | |
Artifacts |
Attackers sign the certificate with their private key, create key credential struct and add this struct on msDS-KeyCredentialLink attribute to target object. After adding this struct attackers can authenticate on behalf of target object using Public Key Cryptography for Initial Authentication (PKINIT) Kerberos extension.
Attack mapping
Attack Prerequisites | ||
Certificate Authority | Server in domain with Certificate Authority Role | Server with Active Directory Certificate Services and Certificate Authority configured |
Authentication Service | Authentication service on domain controller at least Windows Server 2016 operation system | Authentication Service must have a certificate for Server Authentication for PKINIT |
Certificate | Certificate signed with the attacker's private key | Certificate signed with the attacker's private key which will be checked during authentication |
Side Observables | ||
Private key | Attackers private key | Attackers private key with which they sign the certificate |
Attack result
The result of this attack is an record in the msDS-KeyCredentialLink attribute of the target object.
Attack Prerequisites | |
Access Right | Write permission to the msDS-KeyCredentialLink attribute of the target object (user or computer) |
Result Consequences | |
Directory service object attribute | Record in msDS-KeyCredentialLink attribute of the target object (user or computer) |
Certificate | Certificate with which may authentificate on behalf of target object (user or computer) |
Private key | Attackers private key with which they sign the certificate |
Attack progress
- Create private key
- Create certificate and sign it with private key
- Create Key credential struct with signed certificate
- Write Key credential struct to msDS-KeyCredentialLink attribute of the target object
Some tools for carry out this attack
Whisker.exe add /target:targetUserName /path:pathToCertificate.pfx /password:certificatePassword
Whisker.exe add /target:targetComputerName$ /path:pathToCertificate.pfx /password:certificatePassword