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UC0004: Pass the certificate


ID UC0004
Brief Description Attackers can use valid certificate and associated private key for get Ticket Granting Tickets (TGT)
Creation Date 2023/05/10
Modification Date 2023/05/27
ATT&CK Tactics
Linked Response Playbooks


Attackers can use valid certificate and associated private key for get TGT using Public Key Cryptography for Initial Authentication (PKINIT) Kerberos extension.

Attack mapping

Attack Prerequisites
Certificate Authority Server in domain with Certificate Authority Role Server with Active Directory Certificate Services and Certificate Authority configured
Authentication Service Authentication service on domain controller Authentication Service must have a certificate for Server Authentication for PKINIT
Certificate Certificate signed with the private key Certificate signed with the private key which will be checked during authentication
Private key Private key associated with the certificate Private key with which they sign the certificate. Attackers can have access to the private key as a file, or the ability to perform cryptographic operations with the private key without direct access to it (usually this requires code execution from the user context)
Side Observables
File PKCS#12 format file (.pfx or .p12) File with a certificate and an associated private key which is needed to obtain TGT
File Executable or script file Executable or script file that attackers use to carry out an attack (e.g. Rubeus.exe)

Attack result

The result of this attack is a Ticket Granting Tickets, which the attacker can use. This means that the attacker was authenticated in the domain on behalf of the user specified in the certificate

Attack Prerequisites
Certificate Certificate signed with the private key which will be checked during authentication
Private key Private key with which they sign the certificate. Attackers can have access to the private key as a file, or the ability to perform cryptographic operations with the private key without direct access to it (usually this requires code execution from the user context)
Result Consequences
Ticket Granting Tickets Ticket Granting Tickets which the attacker can use

Attack progress

Depending on access to the private key (as a file or as the ability to perform cryptographic operations with it), there are two options for attacking

First option - access to the private key as a file

  1. From certificate and an associated private key create PKCS#12 format file
  2. Request TGT with PKCS#12 format file using PKINIT

Some tools for carry out this attack


Rubeus.exe asktgt /user:USER /certificate:certwithkey.pfx /password:pfx_file_password
certipy auth -pfx certwithkey.pfx -dc-ip -no-hash

Second option - access to the private key as the ability to perform cryptographic operations with it

  1. From user context, request tgt with specific certificate

Some tools for carry out this attack


Rubeus.exe asktgt /user:USER /certificate:certificate_thumbprint

